(7/30 - Friday)
The clear weather continues; it’s hard to believe.
Weather Station Atop Mt. Washington. |
Today I started to upload pictures from my camera to prepare an album for our vacation. I also started this blog today (that’s why the posting date of the daily blog entries lags about 10 days). Next step is editing the first entry, for 7/20/2010, on Blogger.com.
Today’s adventure is a trip to Pinkham Notch to take the auto road to summit of Mt. Washington. The temp at the summit was in the 40s and the wind was blowing 45 mph, a small gale. The fog obscured the summit at times, but cleared now and then to give splendid views in all directions. We parked near the end of the trail from Tuckerman Ravine where we saw several hikers on their way to the summit. We looked down on Lion's Head and could clearly see the trail. From the visitor center we had good views of Mt. Madison, which I once climbed.
Tuckerman Trail emerging from the ravine. |
The auto ride up the 7.6-mile road to the summit takes 20 minutes. We were accompanied by the voice from a promotional CD given us at the entrance to the auto road. Every year there is a foot race up this road from the bottom to the summit.
This year’s race was the 50th edition and took place on June 19. The winner was Chris Siemers, “a Chicago-bred flatlander who says he was born to run up mountains” who finished in 1 hr. and 22 seconds. His time was slightly faster that my time climbing the Tuckerman Trail several years ago, which was about 5 hrs.
Today we had clear views of Moat Mountain from the farm. If you knew what to look for, far to the right of Moat in the photo, you could make out the flank of Mt. Washington. Today, the summit Mt. Washington was in the clouds as usual.
Moat Mt. as seen from Conway. |