Thursday, August 5, 2010

7/25. Visiting in Walpole, NH

(7/25 - Sunday)

Sunny Mt. Monadnock
We returned to Marlborough from Vermont yesterday and today's plan is to relax and go visiting; first with Carol and Lyle in Walpole, NH and then with Mike and Karen in Surry, where the prospect of a barbecue awaits. (The picture of Mt. Monadnock was taken from the hill above Charlotte's house on the way to Marlborough village.)
Walpole is a short drive, 17 miles, from Marlborough. It lies west near the Connecticut River.
The territory that became the town of Walpole was first granted by the Massachusetts government in 1736 as the third in a line of settlements along the east side of the Connecticut River. The town was named Walpole in honor of Sir Robert Walpole, first Prime Minister of England.  A large fort was built at Walpole for defense against Indian attack. It is mostly peaceful here now and Walpole looks like a typical rural New England village ( 4,000 people). There is more on the Walpole Historical Society web site:
We had tea with Carol and Lyle and returned to Marlborough to rest up before supper. Hard work, this traveling.
The barbecue was on when we got to Mike and Karen's. He roasted the pork, which was wrapped in bacon, on the backyard grill for 3 hours and when it reached temperature he removed it and started to roast corn in another barbecue. Meanwhile zucchini  was being stirfried and the buffet got ready. In a few minutes it all came together and we were in for a great meal.
Half listening to the mealtime conversation I overheard Anita, Mike's mother, say that she had got the "four coins" and put them in the freezer. I couldn't make heads or tails of that, but I let it go. Somehow the phrase stuck in my memory. Two days later Charlotte suggested getting "four coins" out of her freezer to barbecue for dinner and my attention peaked up; Charlotte, what are these "four coins" you and Anita keep in your freezers?
Oh yes, Pork Loins. Why didn't I think of that?